
Metabyte Innovation Lab

Metabyte has a rich legacy in employee innovation and entrepreneurship. At first, they were small endeavors and we informally built out our new ideas. With time as our initiatives got bolder, we put in place an organization called Metabyte Innovation Lab to incubate and develop new ideas.

Metabyte Innovation Lab is our in-house advanced R&D center with the following objectives:

  • Encourage innovation and provide our people the infrastructure and funding to experiment with new ideas
  • Transform viable ideas into working products and solutions
  • Provide mentoring
  • In partnership with Metabyte Ventures, our affiliated private equity fund, take a new product/solution to market or spin off an independent business
  • Leverage our “Entrepreneur-in-Residence” program to provide the ultimate job satisfaction and career opportunities to our people
History of Employee Innovations

  • 2008: HotDoodleTM - Web Services and Collaboration for Small Business
  • 2000: MbTVTM - DVR and Personal Television industry
  • 1998: Wicked3DTM - PC Gaming industry, HotDoodle™ Custom Web Design and Quality Affordable Website Designers for Small Businesses and Professionals
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