
Crafting Silver Bullets

Silver bullets take Metabyte’s technology services to a new level of focus and determination, and enable Metabyte to make a huge impact on clients’ business.

Example 1: During the 1990s, AMD was having difficulties in the benchmark wars with Intel. Metabyte helped AMD outperform Intel and successfully launch its microprocessor business.

Example 2: Italian manufacturer Olivetti had just sold a large number of PCs to a major bank, when the customer reported that an untraceable bug affecting one application was disrupting business. Olivetti turned to Megabyte for help. Over a long weekend, Metabyte’s engineers discovered that the bug was in a display driver for that application. Bug fixed, application fixed.

What can we do for you?

“We have the ability to execute—to craft silver bullets for our customers.

And since we are always doing cool things, we always have top talent. It is a virtuous cycle that makes innovation work.”

--Manu Mehta, President and CEO, Metabyte, HotDoodle™ Custom Web Design and Quality Affordable Website Designers for Small Businesses and Professionals
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