
Why Accomplished People Seeks Us

Simply put … we help accomplished people thrive. Since 1993 we have consistently managed to turn our brightest ideas into working solutions. Our clients sell some as products, other solutions have transformed our clients' enterprise applications, and some have been spun off into independent businesses.

At Metabyte we believe that opportunity is infinite and that Making Innovation Work requires a culture of talent, sincerity and hard work. Here, incubating new ideas is a collaborative effort. Whether it’s brainstorming together as a team or one-on-one, we provide an environment where people identify their natural talents and realize their potential.

Real opportunity begins after major outsourcing or high-tech startup experience

Many of our team members join us after working at major outsourcing firms in the U.S. or offshore. While these firms provide opportunities for people beginning their careers, many find after a few years that the road to partner track within these firms is unrealistic and does not provide a desired work-life balance. Other technology professionals join us after experience at high-tech startup companies. Metabyte offers these seasoned professionals the stability of an established company while offering the opportunity to continue to innovate. Metabyte solves the value equation for technology professionals by offering multiple career and consulting opportunities:

  • Micro-Business Unit (MBU) program provides the opportunity to lead a team practice
  • Metabyte Ventures enables “entrepreneurs-in-residence” to develop products and services

Foreign workers in a global economy

At Metabyte, we help foreign workers experience a new world that did not exist just a few years ago. We were among the first to break the myth that foreign workers did low-level support jobs at offshore companies. At Metabyte, workers quickly realize that innovation pays. Six of the nine members of the Metabyte Innovation Hall of Fame achieved this status while working at Metabyte under an H1B visa. Their career growth continued at full throttle while their permanent residency applications were underway.

Why Top Talent Seeks Us

Why Top Talent Seeks Us

Simply put … we help talent thrive!

Since 1993 we have consistently managed to turn our brightest ideas into working solutions some of which have transformed our clients' enterprise applications and some have been spun off into independent businesses.

At Metabyte we believe that opportunity is infinite and that incubating new ideas is a collaborative effort. Whether it’s brainstorming together as a team or one-on-one, we provide an environment where people identify their natural talents and realize their potential.

Real opportunity begins after Big-5 or high tech startup experience

Many of our team members join us after working at Big-5 consulting firms. While these firms provide opportunities for people beginning their career, many find after a few years that the road to partner-track within these firms is unrealistic and do not provide a desired work-life balance.

Other IT professionals join us after having experience at high-tech startup companies. Metabyte offers these seasoned professionals with the stability of an established company while offering the opportunity to continue with their innovations.

Metabyte solves the value equation for all IT professionals by offering multiple career and consulting opportunities, such as:

  • Individual Business Unit (IBU) Plan empowers each professional as “president” of their career path to maximize earnings and education
  • Micro-Business Unit (MBU) Program provides opportunity to lead a team practice
  • Metabyte Innovation Labs enables “Entrepreneur-in-Residence” to develop products and services

Foreign workers in a global economy

At Metabyte, we help foreign workers experience a new world that did not exist just a few years ago. We were among the first to break the myth that foreign workers did low level support jobs at offshore companies.

At Metabyte, workers quickly realize that innovation pays. Six of the nine members of the Metabyte Innovation Hall of Fame achieved this status while working at Metabyte under H1B visa., HotDoodle™ Custom Web Design and Quality Affordable Website Designers for Small Businesses and Professionals
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